Officially sick of winter
Being Wisconsin born and raised on a farm, I can honestly say that I’ve dealt with much of the worst that winter can offer.
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Being Wisconsin born and raised on a farm, I can honestly say that I’ve dealt with much of the worst that winter can offer.
Prosecutors charged just 192 people with election-related crimes since 2012, but more than half of the cases were related to felony probation status
With the largest surplus on record, state policymakers have an unprecedented opportunity in the 2023-25 budget to make once-in-a-generation progress on some of Wisconsin’s biggest challenges.
For the 17th consecutive year, the Wisconsin Freedom of Information Council has named its annual Openness in Government Awards, or Opees, in honor of national Sunshine Week, March 12-18. Five winners and one loser were selected from among an uncommonly large number of nominations.
Honorees include a group of residents concerned about the impact of a local park redevelopment, a school board member who blew the whistle on his colleagues for being too secretive, and a longtime city official who has made a habit of accessibility.
The classic harbingers of spring are the return of the robins, the maple sap run or the first blooms to sprout from the thawing earth.
After a gubernatorial election, the first job of the governor in the first year of the new term is unveiling the two-year state budget plan.
The 39th President of the United States was smiling on July 27, 1979.
Less than four months later – on Nov. 4, 1979 – the defining moment of Jimmy Carter’s presidency occurred, when Iranian militants seized the U.S. Embassy in Tehran and took 66 Americans hostage.
Citizen oversight board was not involved in reviewing police investigation; mayor says he was unaware independent review ordered by city had been halted
While politicians and others way above my station and pay grade continue to debate, expound upon and expunge homosapien influence on the stratosphere, one thing I know for sure. The winter weather has changed and we’re seeing way more rain and ice.
It’s a common question from both landlords and tenants alike: Can a landlord refuse to rent to a tenant? The answer is simple, yet complex. Landlords