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Top 3 Ski Hills To Visit This Winter

Grab your gear and get ready to hit the slopes! Whether you’re a seasoned skier or just starting, Wisconsin boasts a variety of ski hills that cater to all age ranges and skill levels.

Remembering the milk tester

The recent announcement from the U.S. Department of Agriculture that it will soon require nationwide testing of milk to address bird flu outbreaks in dairy herds took me back many years on the farm.

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Fiscal Facts: Moving Back to Budget Basics

Heading into the 2025-27 state budget, Wisconsin retains impressive reserves that put the state in a strong fiscal position. But at the same time, after soaring to previously unseen heights two years ago, Wisconsin’s budget has predictably returned much closer to earth.

This August's primary is spurring an unusual summer debate over two constitutional amendments backed by Republicans.

Court decision on Act 10 spurs memories, speculation

A Dane County court decision against key parts of Act 10 is spurring speculation as to how big of an issue it could be in the spring 2025 Supreme Court race that will decide philosophical control of the high court.

Wisconsin Newspaper Association