Wisconsin’s long-term fiscal health is better, but average nationally
Wisconsin’s long-term health is improving, but on all three commonly used long-term health measures, it is about average when compared to other states.
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Wisconsin’s long-term health is improving, but on all three commonly used long-term health measures, it is about average when compared to other states.
Just seven miles apart from one another on the Lake Michigan coast, Manitowoc and Two Rivers offer visitors a fantastic blend of history, beauty and adventure.
The plan continued the current system under which the government does not negotiate the prices it pays for medicines under the Medicare program.
Short-term health deteriorated during 2002-09 and Wisconsin’s fiscal health was weak through 2010 as expenditures exceeded revenues in five of nine years.
Rep. Ed Brooks said recently rapport between lawmakers on either side of the aisle has improved since the passage in 2011 of the divisive Act 10.
Some are calling for Milwaukee attorney Matt Flynn to drop out of the race because of his role defending the Milwaukee Archdiocese in sexual abuse lawsuits.
Milwaukee’s German Fest is the perfect way to learn about and embrace our state’s German history.
Gains in Wisconsin’s short-term fiscal measures since the recession are a positive sign for state finances, but it still ranks in the bottom half of states.
In 2017, three measures of Wisconsin’s short-term fiscal health were at their highest levels since at least 2002.
With world-class resorts, incredible restaurants and year-round activities, Lake Geneva is known for being the pinnacle of luxury and relaxation.