Your Right to Know

Justice Shirley Abrahamson let the sunshine in

As Justice Shirley Abrahamson ends her tenure on the Wisconsin Supreme Court, she leaves a rich legacy of legal scholarship, importantly including her support for government transparency.

Bill would block scrutiny of lottery winners

Shielding the names of winners would make it hard for the public and the media to figure out whether the lottery is on the up-and-up — or whether we are being bamboozled.

Opees honor good acts and bad

As part of Sunshine Week, an annual celebration of open government that runs from March 10-16, the Wisconsin Freedom of Information Council is bestowing its 13th annual Openness Awards, or Opees.

Democracy depends on open government

Those in power rarely give it up willingly. What’s needed is a loud and unified public demanding that lawmakers’ records be kept safe and available upon request.

Wisconsin Newspaper Association