
Al Cross

Newspapers must embrace bold, persistent experimentation to survive and thrive

Our country may not be in a depression, but the newspaper business is. To get through this, newspapers need to prove their value and try new things, writes Al Cross, director of the Institute of Rural Journalism and Community News.

In a recent column, Cross discusses ideas newspapers should explore, including philanthropy, collegiate resources and government-funded advertising.

John Foust, advertising, ad-libs

9 things to keep in your ‘go-bag’ for ad presentations

In order to be prepared for anything you might need in an ad presentation, be sure to pack a “go-bag,” writes veteran sales trainer John Foust in his latest installment of “Ad-Libs.”

In his column, Foust highlights nine key basics to make sure to include.

John Foust, advertising, ad-libs

Focus on benefits when marketing new products

There’s a reason why advertising veterans have always preached the value of product benefits. People don’t buy features, they buy benefits.

In his latest installment of “Ad-libs,” sales trainer John Foust discusses how publishers can drive this point home.

John Foust, advertising, ad-libs

It pays to pay attention

Two advertising sales stories, one lesson. When you’re face-to-face with a client, it pays to pay attention to what they’re saying.

Wisconsin Newspaper Association