
John Foust, advertising, ad-libs

How to handle superlatives in advertising

If an advertiser insists on using a superlative, there are four simple ways to make it more acceptable. Just remember the acronym TOTE, veteran sales trainer John Foust writes.

First step: Tone it down.

John Foust, advertising, ad-libs

10 mistakes to avoid in online ad presentations

These days, advertising professionals are conducting more online ad presentations than ever before. While there are some similarities with in-person meetings, there are some significant differences.

Veteran sales trainer John Foust takes a quick look at 10 of the biggest mistakes in online ad presentations.

Bart Pfankuch

Sharpen your writing by reading stories aloud

Reading text aloud performs two basic yet critical analytical and diagnostic functions — it quickly shows if the prose is smooth, flows well and is pleasing to the eye and ear and where the clunks in copy are located; also, it reveals whether information is being presented in a logical, clear and meaningful progression, writes veteran journalist Bart Pfankuch.

It’s perhaps the best way for a writer or editor to check their work for flow, accuracy, clarity and meaning.

John Foust, advertising, ad-libs

Read any good catalogs lately?

There are other approaches to advertising creativity, but catalogs excel when it comes to descriptions of product features and benefits, writes veteran sales trainer John Foust.

In his latest installment of “Ad-Libs,” Foust points to some standout examples from L.L. Bean catalogs.

A community with no local newspaper? That’s bad news

In a recent column, America’s Newspapers CEO Dean Ridings asks readers to consider what their town would be without a newspaper.

In an effort to get the country involved in the passage of the Local Journalism Sustainability Act, WNA members are encouraged to publish this opinion piece and the accompanying editorial cartoon — or write their own editorial — to educate the public about this important issue.

John Foust, advertising, ad-libs

In search of the perfect headline

A headline can make or break an ad. It’s important to look for connections between what the audience needs and how the advertiser can meet those needs.

Veteran sales trainer John Foust gives suggestions for doing just that in his latest installment of “Ad Libs.”

newspapers, local journalism

Local journalism needs a new ‘Sustainability Act’

An editorial by the Vilas County News Review (which is available for republication by WNA members) asks the entire Wisconsin delegation to co-sponsor the Local Journalism Sustainability Act.

“Never has America’s free press been more threatened by economic insolvency, a development that could eliminate the work of local journalists who provide in-depth perspectives that inform their readership regarding important current events,” the editorial board writes.

Jim Pumarlo

Is your newspaper capturing all community voices?

Are all your readers’ voices represented in your newspaper’s coverage? Providing as many perspectives as possible is the foundation of a well-rounded story.

Journalism trainer Jim Pumarlo provides some suggestions on how to make sure your newsroom is best representing the local landscape.

Al Cross

Amid bad news, a permanent solution to a temporary problem

Since fall 2018, 300 more U.S. newspapers have disappeared, bringing the number over the last 15 years to 2,100. That’s almost 25% of the 9,000 newspapers that were published in 2005, writes Al Cross director of the University of Kentucky’s Institute for Rural Journalism and Community Issues.

The coronavirus pandemic and its economic impact has made it clear that the choices we make — as citizens, policymakers and industry leaders — will determine the future of the local news landscape.

John Foust, advertising, ad-libs

Advertising sales is a problem-solving business

Being observant can go a long way in selling advertising.

In the most recent installment of his “Ad-Libs” column, veteran sales trainer John Foustdiscusses five things to consider before approaching a potential new client.

Wisconsin Newspaper Association