John Foust

John Foust, advertising, ad-libs

Foust: Lessons from a failed advertiser

Advertising alone can't keep a business going. From the perspective of a sales rep, it can be a frustrating and disappointing reality.

In his latest "Ad-libs" column, veteran sales trainer John Foust shares several lessons that can be learned from failed advertising campaigns — all of which can make for more successful and beneficial sales relationships in the future.

John Foust, advertising, ad-libs

A simple way to develop ad campaign ideas

Empty advertising headlines that speak to no one in particular are ineffective and a waste of the advertiser's budget.

In his most recent "Ad Libs" column, veteran sales trainer John Foust provides a four-step formula that can help you generate more sales for your newspaper and for your advertisers. The end result will be a series of targeted and consistent messages, instead of the same watered-down ad over and over again, he writes.

John Foust, advertising, ad-libs

How to give your advertising some personality

Every ad has some kind of personality — and it's important not to leave the ingredient to chance.

In his latest "Ad-libs" column, veteran sales trainer John Foust takes a look at four things that can help clients' ads stand out from their competitors on the page and on the screen.

John Foust, advertising, ad-libs

4 things bosses do that can hurt employee morale

In many cases, there are lessons to be learned from negative boss-employee encounters.

In his latest "Ad-libs" column, John Foust shares four examples of things a boss can do that may ruin morale among employees.

John Foust, advertising, ad-libs

4 common blind spots among advertisers

When we learned how to drive, we heard about blind spots.

Blind spots also are common in the advertising business, veteran sales trainer John Foust writes. In his most recent column, Foust takes a look at some examples of blind spots in sales and how advertising professionals can handle advertisers with blind spots. 

John Foust, advertising, ad-libs

What makes a good ad headline? Try these 3 tips

Pick up any newspaper — or go to any online news site — and you’ll find article headlines that reveal the subjects of those articles. Doesn’t it make sense that the same should apply to advertising headlines?

Veteran sales trainer John Foust offers three questions to ask yourself next time you're writing a headline for an ad.

John Foust, advertising, ad-libs

12 copywriting tips for better ads

Once an ad’s graphic design attracts readers’ eyes, it has to say something of value. Otherwise, readers will skip the ad and miss the message completely.

In his latest “Ad-libs” column, veteran sales trainer John Foust offers a dozen copywriting tips to gain and hold your audience’s attention.

John Foust, advertising, ad-libs

12 tips for your next advertising campaign

A single ad probably won’t generate much business for your clients. The real work is done in multi-ad campaigns. 

Veteran sales trainer John Foust shares 12 tips for helping develop the next campaign, get advertisers on board and set yourself up for future success.

Wisconsin Newspaper Association