Guttery promoted to assistant executive director of Wisconsin Newspaper Association

Wisconsin Newspaper Association Media Services Director Denise Guttery has been promoted to Assistant Executive Director. 

Guttery manages the WNA newspaper archive, and its media monitoring service, News Tracker.

She will oversee all association and foundation events, including the annual WNA convention and the Wisconsin Newspaper Hall of Fame Banquet — in addition to maintaining the WNA membership database and the WNA website. 

WNA Executive Director Beth Bennett thanked Guttery for her exceptional leadership, vision, and dedication to the WNA, the WNA Foundation and the WNA for-profit Services Corporation.

“Denise’s ability to navigate and drive innovative strategies in newspaper association management, news tracking and public notice archiving has been instrumental to the business success of the WNA,” Bennett said. 

Guttery graduated from Kansas State University with a degree in journalism and mass communications and earned a master’s degree in sports administration from the University of Kansas. 

Before joining the WNA in 2010, she worked as the director of technology for the Illinois Press Association, where she was responsible for website maintenance, the association’s member database, office computer systems and audio/visual needs. Prior to her work with IPA, Guttery served as an advertising representative and editorial assistant with Illinois Country Living magazine.

“For over 14 years, Denise’s outstanding contributions in service to the association and its subsidiaries have been vital in supporting the day-to-day needs of the members of the WNA and its news tracking clients,” Bennett said. 

“Denise has single handedly led the way in developing and promoting one of the best Public Notice websites and news tracking services in the country,” Bennett said. “The Wisconsin Public Notice website is vital to the ongoing protection of the publication of public notices in newspapers. Her commitment to excellence, and passion for supporting the members of the WNA has been outstanding. I am deeply grateful for everything Denise has done to protect and promote the newspaper industry of Wisconsin. The WNA staff look forward to working with Denise for many years to come in her new capacity as Assistant Executive Director.”

Created by and for Wisconsin’s newspapers in 1853, the WNA exists to strengthen the newspaper industry, enhance public understanding of the role of newspapers, and protect basic freedoms of press, speech and the free flow of information. WNA is the single point of contact for newspapers in Wisconsin. In addition to serving our member newspapers, WNA serves advertisers and communications professionals through its advertising placement program and news tracking service.

The WNA encompasses three entities:

  • Wisconsin Newspaper Association, a 501(c)(6) not-for-profit trade association.
  • Wisconsin Newspaper Association Foundation, a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization.
  • WNA Services, Inc., a wholly-owned for-profit subsidiary of the Wisconsin Newspaper Association.

Learn more about the Wisconsin Newspaper Association online at

Wisconsin Newspaper Association