Kevin O’Brien steps down as Tribune-Phonograph editor

Kevin O’Brien, longtime editor of The (Abbotsford) Tribune-Phonograph, is stepping down from his role, he announced in a column last week.

kevin obrien
Kevin O’Brien

In the farewell column, O’Brien noted his decision was due to a personal medical issue. He said he hoped to continue his journalism career once his health is back on track.

O’Brien had served as Tribune-Phonograph editor since August 2008. During his time as editor, the newspaper won numerous awards in the WNA Foundation Better Newspaper Contest, including O’Brien’s recent first-place honors for local column and general news photo.

Prior to his time in Abbotsford, O’Brien served as night editor for two years at the Ashland Daily Press. A Minnesota native, he earned his journalism degree from UW-River Falls in 2002.

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