Webinar: Census stories beyond the numbers

Date: Aug. 11, 2021
Time: 12:00 am - 12:00 am

By Aug. 16, the U.S. Census Bureau will release in-depth demographic statistics from the 2020 census. The data will reveal how the ethnic, racial and voting age makeup of neighborhoods, cities, counties and states has changed since the 2010 census, as well as inform political redistricting. 

This once-a-decade data dump is immense, detailed, highly technical — and massively influential in communities across the United States. Journalists from all beats will use this data in their reporting for years to come. This webinar, part of Poynter’s training series on the 2020 census, will help journalists prepare to cover their changing communities, now and in the future. 

During the first part of the webinar, you’ll get an overview of the 2020 census from MaryJo Webster, data editor at the StarTribune, and D’Vera Cohn, senior writer/editor at the Pew Research Center. They’ll share with you key terminology and concepts, the impact of the pandemic on data integrity and how the Census Bureau historically approaches data releases. 

Next, you’ll focus on best practices for data-driven stories about race and ethnicity with Olivia Winslow, reporter at Newsday.

In the final section of this training, participants and instructors will collaborate to generate story ideas based on what kinds of data will be released from the Census Bureau. 

This webinar launches a larger project, the Census 2020 Data Co-op, which was formed to help journalists find census stories in the data. The tools and training will be focused on the August 2021 “redistricting” data release, which includes detailed figures about population, race and ethnicity, and housing. The Co-op will process the census data and make it available in easy-to-use platforms. Poynter will offer training in how to use the data and these platforms. If you enroll in this webinar, you will be notified about the additional training.

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