Matthew J. Hart Jr.

The Glidden Enterprise
Inducted: 2002

In 1979, Matthew John Hart Jr. took over as editor of The Glidden Enterprise and the Butternut Bulletin from his parents, Matthew Sr. and Katherine, who had owned and operated the papers since 1906.

In 1936, Hart graduated from Glidden High School and went on to attend Marquette University, where he earned a degree in journalism. He entered the U.S. Army in 1942, serving in Hawaii at the Fleet Headquarters in Pearl Harbor. Hart attained the rank of major before his discharge in July 1957 as a reserve officer.

Sports were Hart’s off-duty interest. He was “Mr. Baseball” in Glidden, playing catcher or first base for the city team while still in high school. He also played in many other leagues and managed baseball teams before, during and after his time in the service. In his spare time while running the newspapers, Hart was very active in his church and with community fundraisers, often using the newspaper to endorse and promote a project or idea.

Hart died June 20, 2002. He was 84.

Wisconsin Newspaper Association