Want to lift up your selling? Try climbing this LADDER

 Great sellers are great listeners. 

peter lamb, ladder, selling
Peter Lamb

Peter Lamb says they also “ask great questions and shut up!” 

A Florida-based strategy consultant, Lamb says a successful sales rep thinks like the customer and climbs this LADDER when working with clients to solve problems and capture opportunities: 

L is for LOOK your client in the eye when talking to build trust. Not making eye contact is a turnoff. 

A is for ASKING questions, great ones that spur thinking not yawns. 

D is for DON’T INTERRUPT the client when he or she is responding to your great questions. “As long as you are talking, you are losing.” Listening is winning. 

D is for DON’T CHANGE THE SUBJECT when the client is talking, even if it’s a glowing report about a sports team you detest. Let them talk. It’s their time. 

E is for EMPATHIZE, especially during these challenging COVID-19 times. Be a comforting ear. 

R is for RESPOND, often on the spot when you seek to close a deal. 

Don’t leave the client meeting without a sale or answer on next steps. If necessary, take out your smartphone and book the follow-up meeting right away. 

 Note: Lamb positioned his LADDER as a featured presenter at the New York Press Association’s daylong virtual conference on Sept. 18, 2020. His topic: “Who is winning the revenue war and why.” 

Wisconsin Newspaper Association