Webinar: Putting more political ad dollars on your books

Date: Jul. 14, 2020
Time: 12:00 am - 12:00 am

America’s Newspapers is making this webinar available to its members, as well as state press association members, at no cost.
Presented by 
Mark Levy, president and co-founder, Revenue Development Resources Inc.

With the elections now just months away, there are lessons to be learned from 2020 that will put more political ad dollars in your newspaper’s revenue column.  Where are political ad dollars likely to go and how will digital ad changes affect political ad sales?

Our presenter argues that local political dollars may be more important than national dollars … and there’s a key question you need to be asking candidates that will justify a bigger ad schedule. 

During this webinar, learn how to better tell your story, to avoid the often overlooked dangers of social media, and ways to take advantage of resources such as Ballotpedia, OpenSecrets and The Edmonds Database.

Among the takeaways you’ll receive:

  • An intro letter template designed to get candidates to meet with you.
  • 11 ideas for upsells and new non-political business.
  • Political ad copy help, including a source for thousands of political ads.
  • Common-sensical things we forget about that cost us political buys.

For registration questions, please contact:

Patty Slusher, director of programming, at 847-282-9850, ext. 102 or pslusher@newspapers.org

» Sign up here

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