Civics Games Sample Questions
The following questions have been prepared to help students prepare for the Wisconsin Civics Games.
1. Although amended many times the original Wisconsin constitution is still being used and is one of the oldest state constitutions in the nation. Describe two ways that the Wisconsin state constitution can be changed; and which of the two has never been attempted? See answer.
2. In Wisconsin, the governor has the power to veto bills passed by the legislature. The Wisconsin constitution was amended in 1930 to give the governor the authority for a specific form of veto. Name the veto authority added to the constitution in 1930 and describe the type of legislation where the governor has that authority? See answer.
3. City and Village governments in Wisconsin have been given wide-ranging powers to deal with providing services. A 1924 constitutional amendment granted them authority known as “home rule.” What is “home rule” and what are these locally enacted laws called? See answer.
4. What is the term used to describe the practice of drawing legislative district lines to establish a political advantage for a group or political party; and what is proposed by some as an alternative means for drawing district boundaries? See answer.
5. The tenth amendment to the United States Constitution delegates to the states powers not delegated to the federal government. These are known as reserved powers. Name two of the reserved powers; and name one power not given to the states by the federal government? See answer.
6. Unites States Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch was recently quoted as saying that ten percent of Americans surveyed believe that the TV star Judge Judy is a member of the United States Supreme Court. Describe the process by which Judge Judy would become a member of the Wisconsin State Supreme Court and the United States Supreme Court? See answer.
1. The constitution can be changed via a constitutional amendment or by convening a constitutional convention. A constitutional convention has never been convened.
2. The veto authority is the line item veto and it may only be applied to bills dealing with appropriations.
3. Home rule is when a city or village may do things the way it wants unless the state constitution prohibits it.; or if it is something of state-wide concern that the legislature should handle. These locally enacted laws are called ordinances.
4. The term used to describe the practice of drawing legislative district lines for political advantage is called Gerrymandering. The alternative to gerrymandering would be the appointment of a non-partisan independent commission to draw the district boundaries.
5. Powers given to the states include the ability to:
- Establish local governments and public schools
- Issues licenses
- Regulate business within the state
- Conduct elections – local, state and federal
- Provide for public health and safety.
Powers not given to the states include the ability to:
- Create its own currency
- Sign international treaties
- Stop interstate commerce
6. In Wisconsin Judge Judy would run in an election to be seated on the State Supreme Court. Judge Judy would be nominated by the president of the United States and confirmed by the US Senate to serve on the United States Supreme Court.