Former UW journalism adviser Brandscheid dies at 70

Susan Brandschied
Susan Brandscheid

Susan Brandscheid, a longtime UW-Madison employee and School of Journalism and Mass Communication adviser, died Wednesday at age 70.

UW journalism professor Lewis Friedland, who worked with Brandscheid for more than two decades, called her one of the “unsung heroes of UW,” without whom “nothing would get done.”

Brandscheid started at UW in 1969 as a typist for the UW Hospital and Department of Sociology. She joined the J-School in 1973 to provide staff support and eventually became assistant to the director and a graduate student adviser. She worked with hundreds of students during her time at the school.

“Susie Brandscheid was an iconic presence in the School of Journalism and Mass Communication,” said Hemant Shah, School of Journalism and Mass Communication director. “We and all the students she guided will miss her.”

A memorial service for Brandscheid is scheduled from 1 to 3 p.m. Tuesday at Cress Funeral Home, 3610 Speedway Road, Madison.

» Read more 

» Brandscheid’s obituary

» UW announcement

Wisconsin Newspaper Association