Judges needed for Wisconsin Civics Games playoffs!

We need your help to judge the Wisconsin Civics Games playoffs!

The Wisconsin Newspaper Association Foundation is grateful to all the WNA member publications that supported the Wisconsin Civics Games by providing coverage in your newspapers. Your support generated a record number of schools, teams, and students registering to compete in this year’s Games!   

But – the Foundation needs volunteers who are willing to put on some virtual judges’ robes and join in the excitement of the virtual Wisconsin Civics Games playoffs.  The Games will be held Wednesday, April 9th and Thursday, April 10th. 

The Games playoffs begin each day at 9 a.m., with a break at noon, and continuing at 1 p.m. until about 4 p.m.  Volunteers will be part of a team of judges asking questions (yes, you will have the answers) and keeping score among other duties. For those who haven’t done this before, WNA may be able to offer a brief training session.  

Please respond by Friday, March 21st to WNAF Board member Eve Galanter at eve.galanter@gmail.com and indicate the days and times of your availability.  

Don’t forget to put Friday, May 2nd on your calendar for the Wisconsin Civics Games Finals at the State Capitol in Madison!

Wisconsin Newspaper Association