The Sheboygan Sun has moved to monthly publication, the newspaper announced in a story and two columns published Oct. 29, 2024. The Sun will be published during the last Tuesday of each month.
Serving the Sheboygan community with a print newspaper since 1999, The Sun was acquired several years ago by O’Rourke Media Group, a family-owned digital and print information company that owns products in states from Arizona to Vermont. In addition to The Sun, OMG owns the Ripon Commonwealth Press, the Star-Observer in Hudson, the River Falls Journal and several suburban Madison weeklies including The Verona Press and the Oregon Observer.
The Sun increased its free monthly circulation to reach almost 100% of Sheboygan County households to accompany its online presence. Most of its editorial content will come from editor Tracy Folz, who can be reached via email at tfolz@oroukemediagroup.com. Mark Sherry will serve as managing editor, with Tony Humski serving as sales manager; learn more at sheboygansun.com.