WNA Better Newspaper Contest is now open!

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It is WNA Better Newspaper Contest Time!  While the contest officially opened on September 16th, you can upload your entries now! 

Attached to this news item, please find the WNA 2024 Rules and Regulations with the contest link in the document. 

The document outlines each category and provides the information needed to enter and what the judges will use to determine winners.

The 2024 Wisconsin Newspaper Association Better Newspaper Contest is officially open.

Changes to keep in mind this year, as well as a few reminders:

  1.  All categories are the same as last year.  NEW THIS YEAR:    ALL entries are to be uploaded electronically.  WNA will not be accepting any mailed entries.  

        2.  Reminder:  if you are mailing in a check for payment, it must be postmarked by the deadline date of 10.25.24.

        3.  Pro Tip:  Do yourself a favor, do not wait until the last day or two to enter — it helps reduce stress!

        4.  Entry fee is $10 per entry.  Late entries will be charged $20 per entry.

        5.  Please forward this email to your BNC Entry Coordinator.

Who May Enter:  The Better Newspaper Contest is open to all WNA member newspapers in good standing. Entries must be produced by employees of the newspaper or a direct agent of the newspaper (a centralized production facility utilized by your newspaper that is not located on your physical premises). Independent advertising agencies are not considered to be direct agents of newspaper, and ads created by such agencies would not qualify for entry.

Please let Laura Niemi know via email at laura@mna.org if you have any questions; winners will be announced at the 2025 Wisconsin Newspaper Association Convention

2024 Wisconsin Newspaper Association Better Newspaper Contest information

Wisconsin Newspaper Association