The First Amendment is what allows America to be America

To the Editor,

Emmitt Anderson

The First Amendment grants us all the freedom of speech and religion. The First Amendment is what allows many of our important rights. Although it was passed over 200 years ago the First Amendment is still relevant. The First Amendment allowed people to peacefully protest the war in Vietnam, and now Gaza without retribution. Without the First Amendment we could end up as a country with no tolerance for dissent like Russia and China. Going into the holiday season the First Amendment is what allows us to express our religious beliefs. Imagine if someone got arrested for going to church on Christmas. The First Amendment also allows us to watch the news, and choose where we get it from. It would not be a good thing if the government controlled the news. The First Amendment is so important going forward because we live in a world where people are losing their rights. We need to protect ours. We can protect the First Amendment by emphasizing its importance and having every generation learn its significance. The First Amendment is what allows America to be America.


Emmitt Anderson
BMS Student

Emmitt Anderson is a 7th grader at Bloomer Middle School.

Wisconsin Newspaper Association