Proud of America: The Importance of the First Amendment

Eleena Ertmer

As Benjamin Franklin once said, “Without freedom of thought, there can be no such thing as wisdom; And no such thing as public liberty, without freedom of speech.” Passion, creativity, and direction are inspired by the ability to openly express oneself. The freedoms we embrace have inspired inventions that have continued to improve our way of life. We have developed into an amazing country by joining together. The privilege to choose our religion has allowed us to worship freely with no fear of injustice. Without the First Amendment, research would be limited and important decisions would be harder to make. We would have hearts empty of faith and creativity, minds lacking wisdom, and a land void of freedom. The First Amendment gives us yet another reason to be proud that America is our home.

Eleena Ertmer is a 7th grader at Bridges Virtual Academy in Endeavor.

Wisconsin Newspaper Association