Rick Olivo retires after more than 31 years with Ashland Daily Press

Rick Olivo, who has been working in the newspaper business since 1973, is retiring after more than 31 years with the Ashland Daily Press.

Olivo began as a reporter with the The Skyline, the weekly newspaper of the Naval Air Station in Meridian, MissSince then, he has worked at newspapers in Odessa, Tex., Phoenix Ariz., and Hayward, Wis.

rick olivo at computer
Rick Olivo works on a story at his Ashland Daily Press desk. (Photo by Jen Moritz | Ashland Daily Press)

Olivo credits former Daily Press editor Claire Duquette for jump-starting his career. During her tenure, he started freelancing for the newspaper in 1991, which led to a full-time job with the newspaper. He’s previously worked for the Daily Press in 1980 — a role he was “horribly ill suited for,” Olivo wrote in his farewell column.

“It has been a heck of a ride, but the grind of producing daily news stories is a young person’s game and the time has come for me to step aside and let others do the demanding and exacting job that good community journalism requires,” Olivo wrote.

His last day at the newspaper was Feb. 28.

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