Wisconsin Civics Games registration deadline is Feb. 20

The Wisconsin Newspaper Association Foundation is excited to announce that registration for the Wisconsin Civics Games, which aims to promote civics education and encourage Wisconsin high school students to develop an interest in public service, is now open.

civics games winners
Indian Trail High School and Academy social studies teacher Marla Day takes a photo of students Joshua Cao and Alexandra Maldonado after they won the Wisconsin Civics Games State Championship on Friday, May 13, at the Wisconsin State Capitol. (Photo by Julia Hunter, WNA)

The 2023 Civics Games’ regional competitions will be held virtually on Thursday, April 13 and Friday, April 14. The top-performing teams will advance to the state finals on Friday, May 12, at the Wisconsin State Capitol.

The registration deadline is Feb. 20.

A team shall consist of any number of players who meet all eligibility rules. However, no more than four players may actively compete at any one time. Teams may compete with fewer players, with a minimum of one player. This year, schools will be allowed to enter multiple teams in the regional competitions.

Members of the winning team will each be awarded $2,000 toward tuition to a Wisconsin college or university of their choice. The scholarships are funded in part by the generous support of the University of Wisconsin System

Following registration, participating teams will receive “The Framework of Your Wisconsin Government” textbook and access to several online resources to help them prepare for the competition(s).

Additional support for the Wisconsin Civics Games has been provided by the Evjue Foundation, Wisconsin Counties Association, League of Wisconsin Municipalities, Wisconsin Association of Independent Colleges and Universities, League of Women Voters of Wisconsin, WisconsinEye, Wisconsin Senate Scholars Program, Wisconsin News Tracker, Godfrey & Kahn, Local Government Institute of Wisconsin, MG&E Foundation, Polco.us, Tommy G. Thompson Center on Public Leadership and Wisconsin Council for the Social Studies.


Wisconsin Newspaper Association