Reminder: Legal notice recertification paperwork due by Oct. 31

In order to be certified to publish legal notices in 2023, newspapers must submit their legal notice recertification paperwork by Oct. 31.

Wisconsin newspapers can find their recertification paperwork by clicking here. Details instructions were sent via email by state Procurement Specialist Bill Goff ( on Oct. 3.

Recertification materials include:

  • Completed and signed DOA-3417 (These have been pre-filled with information from the state’s database. Any changes should be made by marking through existing information and handwriting the correct response in red ink.)
  • Statement of ownership or alternative verification listed on DOA-3417
  • Full-page tear sheet from your legal notice section
  • If applicable, a copy of your W-9 (only if it is incorrect on the pre-populated application)
  • If applicable, a PDF of fonts with font name, style, and size as described below (only if changes are being made to the application)


If the fonts listed on your application are correct you do not need to do anything with the fonts section. However, if you are changing your fonts, you will need to provide your correct font in an embedded PDF file printed in all lower case “abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz” with no spaces.


If the column widths are correct you do not need to do anything with the columns section. However, if your column widths are changing, please mark the change on the application by marking through it and handwriting in the correct width in red ink. Remember column widths are to be in picas — not inches. If you are not familiar with the size of a pica it is 1/6”. If you measure in inches please divide by 6 to find the pica size. Please refrain from providing a combination of picas and points (i.e. 18p4), as this is time-consuming to convert to a fraction of picas.

Please remember to update your parent company information as well, if applicable.

Wisconsin Newspaper Association