Poll shows support for workplace vaccine mandates

Polco users and readers visiting WNA member websites from Sept. 8 to 21 were asked whether they supported employers requiring workers to be vaccinated against COVID-19.

We asked this question in light of the full FDA approval of the COVID-19 vaccine, which has led to an increasing number of employers beginning to require their workers to be vaccinated against COVID-19.

Out of 645 verified respondents**, 61% said they support vaccine requirements at work, while 30% said employees should make their own health decisions. Fifty-five respondents (9%) said vaccine requirements should vary based on job or industry.

The full question and results can be found below:

Do you support employers requiring workers to be vaccinated against COVID-19?

  • Yes, I support vaccine requirements at work: 61% (396)
  • No, employees should make their own health decisions: 30% (194)
  • Mask requirements should vary based on job or industry: 9% (55)

A breakdown of the data can be downloaded here.

**The poll also received an additional 189 unverified responses that were not included in the final results. These respondents could not be verified by Polco using local voter files and other public data.

This poll question and results were made available through a partnership between the WNA and Polco, a national civic engagement company based in Madison, to help Wisconsin newspapers better engage readers and access enhanced data and insights.

Do you have any ideas for our next poll question? Please contact Jordan Schelling at jordan.schelling@wnanews.com

Wisconsin Newspaper Association