New poll question aims to gauge readers’ concern about delta variant

A new poll question about readers’ level of concern about the delta variant of COVID-19 is available to be used by WNA members. We are asking the question in light of a surge in new COVID-19 cases fueled by the variant that prompted new CDC mask-wearing guidance.

Results from our previous poll question about whether colby should be the official state cheese of Wisconsin are available at the link below.

WNA members who have signed up for an account with Polco can access their local version of the new question, as well as local poll results, on their dashboards.

To find the question under “Recommended Content,” go to and log in under the email you used to sign up for your Polco account.

Those who have not signed up can do so here for their own dashboard.

Do you have any suggestions for our next poll question? Please contact Jordan Schelling at

About Polco

Polco is an online polling platform that is working to transform engagement and communication within communities.

Polco allows municipalities, non-profits and community organizations to post questions to their audiences about specific projects, key decisions or general sentiments. The software then verifies respondents using local voter registration files or other verification lists to ensure responses are coming from local residents.

In August 2019, the WNA partnered with Polco to help its newspaper members better engage readers and access enhanced data and insights.

Wisconsin Newspaper Association