by John J. McGoven, CEO & Owner, Grimes, McGovern & Associates
In 2021, the highlight for pivoting mergers and acquisitions opportunities for buyers and sellers involved the unique strategy of non-profit ownership through a community fundraising effort guided by Jim McDonald, senior associate for Grimes, McGovern & Associates, and Amanda Richardson, executive director of the Corporation for New Jersey Local Media.
The owners of the New Jersey Hills Media Group welcomed the opportunity presented by the Corporation for New Jersey Local Media to transition their company to non-profit ownership, a winning solution for the industry, the newspapers and the communities they serve.
- RELATED: New Jersey weeklies go non-profit
- RELATED: Read the latest news from the WNA
Grimes, McGovern & Associates’ team of M&A professionals have leveraged their prior ownership expertise in exploring new strategies for buyers and sellers post-COVID. Newspapers, commercial printers and digital media companies successfully sell and transition their business when pre-planning goals as outlined are presented to M&A advisors:
- Preparing effective and thorough financial statements
- Valuing intangible assets such as management and employees
- Developing a strategic exit business plan that involves all business partners
For more information, contact John J. McGovern, jmcgovern@mediamergers.com or 917-881-6563