Tip sheet: Create great ads

 There’s a tendency to jump to something new when times are tough. 


Here’s to making sure your approach to advertising basics is solid before you do. 

“Too often we sell space and then create bad ads that don’t maximize response,” says John Derr, publisher of the Chestnut Hill Local, a weekly in northwest Philadelphia. “Retaining customers has a lot to do with ads we are creating.” 

wisconsin relevance project, create great ads

Derr was a presenter in the Pennsylvania NewsMedia Association’s America East webinar on “Tips to Secure Advertising Business in the Green Zone.” 

His clear advice: “Build ads that get results.” 

That’s also a relevant reminder to chart how your ads help advertisers. Do you know? 

In his presentation, Derr offered an effective checklist to make sure every ad has a: 

  • Strong headline 
  • Compelling graphic 
  • Right message or offer to attract the right audience 
  • Call to action (if response-oriented) 

Check, check, check, check. 

Then think here: 

Great ads are the building block to ensuring your outstanding-deal solution delivers desired results because you’ve given the advertiser prominence in your publication, complete with frequency in a smartly planned campaign. 

“More seen, better results,” Derr adds. 

Power to the basics. 

Wisconsin Newspaper Association