Volunteers needed to judge the Texas Better Newspaper Contest

As contest season approaches and you prepare to submit your best work from the past year, please consider volunteering to be a judge for our partners at the Texas Press Association. Without volunteer judges, we would not be able to hold our annual Better Newspaper Contest.

texas press association, judge

TPA needs at least 60 WNA members to sign up by Sept. 25 to help judge their contest. All judging will be done online and is scheduled to run from Oct. 19 to Nov. 9.

Volunteer judges are needed for categories including news, sports, opinion, features, photography, advertising and more. You can choose the categories you prefer to judge using our online sign-up form, which also allows you to send additional comments to TPA staff.

We really appreciate your help with this important project. If you have any questions, email WNA Membership & Programming Specialist Jordan Schelling at jordan.schelling@wnanews.com.

» Sign up now

Wisconsin Newspaper Association