‘Support Local News’ campaign encourages subscriptions, donations, ads

NEW YORK — Backed by $15 million in funding from Google, the “Support Local News” campaign was launched Tuesday to raise awareness of the importance of local news and to encourage support through subscriptions, donations and advertising.

Local Media Association and the Local Media Consortium announced the ad campaign in partnership with the Google News Initiative. The campaign comes as advertising revenue remains low despite recent increases in demand for local news due to the COVID-19 pandemic and protests following the death of George Floyd.

The Support Local News campaign will run for the next six weeks across local newspapers, TV and radio stations and online news outlets in the U.S. and Canada. It will direct users to visit the campaign website, where they can choose to support local news by subscribing, advertising or donating. The website includes a list of media organizations offering subscriptions, accepting donations and outlets with information on their websites about how to advertise.

The site also includes information about how to direct donations specifically to support local investigative reporting or publishers of color.

Is your news outlet listed?

News organizations that are not listed on the subscribe, donate and/or advertise pages that would like to be should request to be added using this form. The form can also be used to request updates to existing information.

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Wisconsin Newspaper Association