Applications for media seeking 2020 Democratic National Convention credentials are now available. The convention is set for July 13-16 at Fiserv Forum in Milwaukee.
All members of the media wishing to access the convention complex during the 2020 Democratic National Convention must be credentialed, according to the DNC’s information for media. Applications should be submitted by one person from each organization — not individuals. Links to the applications for daily and non-daily newspapers, as well as photographers, have been included below.
Media outlets that would like to request an interview with someone from the DNC or who have editorial inquiries should contact Press@DemConvention.com.
- February 7: Deadline to apply for workspace
- April 10: Deadline to apply for credentials
The DNC will be sending email updates as the event approaches.
Members of the media who are planning to cover the convention should sign up for media emails here. Those who would like to receive general public interest emails should sign up for updates here.
The majority of workspaces are determined by the Congressional Press Galleries. Media outlets can also begin requesting workspace through the application process with the appropriate gallery.
According to the DNC’s website, a limited number of hotel rooms will be allocated for media. The deadline to request housing is January 31. Media outlets may contact the Media Logistics Department to request the application form, however, members of the media are encouraged to seek out their own housing arrangements.
The Congressional Press Galleries credential the vast majority of media who cover one or both political conventions. Outlets must apply through the following galleries:
Daily Press Gallery (All publications and daily newspapers, wire services, and online publications affiliated with daily news organizations.)
- Phone: 202-225-3945
- Email: dailypressgallery@mail.house.gov
- Info: pressgallery.house.gov
- Application: pressgallery.house.gov/conventions2020
Periodical Press Gallery (Non-daily newspapers, all magazines, newsletters, non-daily online publications.)
- Phone: 202-224-0265
- Email: periodicals@saa.senate.gov
- Info: periodicalpress.senate.gov
- Application: periodicalpress.senate.gov/2020-convention-application/
Photographers’ Press Gallery (All photographers representing news organizations and news publications. Freelance photographers must be on assignment from a news organization to be considered for credentials.)
- Email: press_photo@saa.senate.gov
- Application: conventions.senate.gov/application/photo