Superior high school, college journalists team up for joint project

SUPERIOR — Student journalists at Superior High School and UW-Superior teamed up this fall for a joint enterprise they dubbed the “Catlin Connection,” the Superior Telegram reports.

superior high school, uw-superior
Spartan Spin editor, Chase Colby, left, and sports editor, Dale Summerfield Jr., center, work with Promethean editor, Michael Michelizzi, in the media room at Superior High School on Monday, Dec. 16. (Photo: Jed Carlson, Superior Telegram)

Analyzing and explaining President Trump’s impeachment for a student audience, their first piece was published in the Dec. 12 edition of The Promethean, UW-Superior’s student newspaper. An updated version also is scheduled to run in the January edition of The Spartan Spin high school newspaper.

The idea to pair the two student newspapers started with Tom Hansen, a UW-Superior journalism professor and advisor for The Promethean. But it was a field placement requirement at the school that really got the ball rolling.

Michael Michelizzi, a UW-Superior junior and English education major, also is editor-in-chief of The Promethean. So when his field placement put him in the classroom of Spartan Spin advisor Andy Wolfe, a natural connection was formed.

Michelizzi began working with the high school newspaper staff on a regular basis and even brought members of his own staff over to the high school for joint meetings. He expects to continue the collaborative work between the two staffs when the spring semester begins later this month.

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