New interactive tool explores trends in state property taxes, values

A new tool from the Wisconsin Policy Forum’s allows users to analyze trends in two key indicators of the state’s economic health: the cost borne by taxpayers and the finances of local governments.

property taxes datatool from Wisconsin Policy Forum
(Click to enlarge)

Users can sort by county or municipality, or view statewide data, on property values and taxes in the Wisconsin Policy Forum’s new interactive tool.

The Property Values & Taxes DataTool is an interactive version of the Policy Forum’s annual report on property values and taxes. In the new format, users can explore statewide data from the Wisconsin Department of Revenue, with the option to filter by municipality or county.

Key findings from the data reveal that robust growth in property values and modest increases in local tax levies have prompted a decrease in tax rates for the fifth year in a row.

Statewide equalized property values grew by 5.7% in 2019, compared with an increase of 1.7% in gross property tax levies. As a result, the state’s gross property tax rate declined 2.7%.

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