Watertown Daily Times moving offices to new location

WATERTOWN – After 103 years at its home in the heart of downtown, the Watertown Daily Times is moving to a new location, the newspaper announced Thursday.

watertown daily times building
The Watertown Daily Times is moving from its home of 103 years at 115 W. Main St. to 218 S. First St., another historic building near the Rock River. (Daily Times photo)

The final day of production at 115 W. Main St., was scheduled for Thursday. On Friday, the newspaper was slated to move to 218 S. First St., another historic building that sits on the east bank of the Rock River.

The move follows a series of changes that have reduced the Times‘ space needs, leaving part of their Main Street building largely vacant. In 2011, printing operations were moved to Janesville, and distribution is now handled by the U.S. Postal Service.

It also coincides with a redevelopment project by the city, which purchased the newspaper’s buildings at 113-115 W. Main St., in 2017. The buildings are slated to be razed as part of the project.

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