Invitation to WNA members from NNA President Andrew Johnson

Dear WNA member, 

On behalf of the National Newspaper Association board of directors, I invite all WNA members to come to Milwaukee for our annual convention and trade show at the special member rate (if not a member). It is the time for Wisconsin newspaper people to shine at a national event.

NNA President Andrew Johnson
Andrew Johnson

This year’s theme is “Newspapers: Leading the way in our communities.” It is going to be held on Oct. 3-4 at the historic five-star Pfister Hotel with activities within walking distance. We received an exceptional deal on room rates. This year’s extravaganza event will be held at the Harley-Davidson Museum.

In addition to a full-trade show, the opportunity to share with others in the industry, and meaningful educational sessions, there will be a Leadership Summit co-sponsored by the Wisconsin Newspaper Association and facilitated by Marty Kaiser. He is one of today’s leading newsroom visionaries and is the former long-time editor of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, where he led his newsroom to three Pulitzer Prizes in 2008, 2010 and 2011. Kaiser, along with other industry leaders, will explore what it takes for a community newspaper to succeed, both financially and as a public asset.

WNA members may register for the summit for only $29 as an add-on to NNA registration or for $99 for summit only. Registration information about NNA’s 133rd Convention can be found online at You may register as an NNA member.

Our industry has been on a roller coaster the past several years. There have been challenging fights such as the newsprint tariff case and the challenge of publishers trying to figure out which business model will work for their particular publications. However, the role of community newspapers has never been more important to the citizens of our country.

This was confirmed by recent polling research conducted for NNA. For example, according to the research released on Aug. 2, 64% of households read a community newspaper, 79% of respondents agree community newspapers “provide valuable local shopping and advertising information,” and community newspapers are the most trusted source of news than any other source.

NNA, a cooperatively owned and run organization of newspaper people, recognizes this value and has been on the front line fighting for the community newspaper industry. I cannot imagine running a newspaper without NNA or WNA. Key partnerships and effective participation between the people who operate community newspapers and these groups are essential for not only surviving, but thriving in the newspaper industry.

I hope to see you in Milwaukee!

Andrew Johnson
President, National Newspaper Association
Past President, Wisconsin Newspaper Association

Wisconsin Newspaper Association