Alan Eisenberg, former editor of Latino newspaper in Milwaukee, dies at 77

Alan Eisenberg, a colorful and controversial Milwaukee figure who also served as editor of a Latino newspaper, died Friday, Aug. 16, at his home in Whitefish Bay. He was 77.

Alan Eisenberg
Alan Eisenberg

Eisenberg was known for his trademark red fedora, strong personality and aggressive style of legal representation. He famously lost his law license in 2010 after years of battles with ethics regulators. His license had previously been suspended multiple times, along with a public reprimand in 1996.

In addition to his law practice, Eisenberg was a real estate broker, animal rights advocate, radio host, baseball umpire, gubernatorial candidate and editor of El Conquistador, a weekly newspaper covering Latino communities in southeastern Wisconsin.

According to a story published by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Eisenburg wanted no announcement or services upon his death.

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