Sentinel Publications owners buy Minnesota newspaper group

minnesota newspaper group, sentinel publications
Franklin Newspapers owner Tim Franklin (third from left) poses with (from left) Northstar Media CEO Matt McMillan and owners Carter Johnson and Gene Johnson.

OSCEOLA – Gene and Carter Johnson, owners of the Sentinel Publications newspaper group in Wisconsin, have purchased a group of northern Minnesota publications from Franklin Newspapers.

The publications will become part of their Northstar Media group, which announced the purchase Friday. Matt McMillan, who serves as CEO for all of the Johnsons’ newspaper groups, said they planned to hire a group publisher to oversee operations.

Sentinel Publications includes the Amery Free Press, the (Grantsburg) Burnett County Sentinel and The (Osceola) Sun. The Johnsons also own Press Publications, Kanabec Publications and Publishers Printing, a central printing operation in Amery.

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