Google News Lab, Propublica offer election reporting tools

Leading up to the midterm elections, Google News Lab has created a way to see what’s trending at the state, county and city level.

Google Trends Midterm can show local journalists what issues matter where they live that might not be reflected in polls, News Lab’s Data Editor Simon Rogers told Poynter. He pointed to the search ranking spike in Florida for Andrew Gillum the day before the primary. The next day, Gillum won in a surprise victory.

» RELATED: Google, SPJ team up to help train journalists ahead of elections

Simons stressed it doesn’t replace polling, but it can be a valuable election reporting tool.

The News Lab has also partnered with ProPublica to build an Election DataBot, which pulls together Google Trends data, candidate spending data, campaign ads, deleted tweets and campaign statements. The DataBot also offers reporters the option to receive alerts based on district.

» Election DataBot: See recent campaign data from Wisconsin

Google search interest within the past week in Wisconsin (per Google Trends Midterm)

Wisconsin Newspaper Association