Journal Sentinel project tells Packers fans’ stories

MILWAUKEE – How did you become a Green Bay Packers fan? The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel asked readers that question earlier this month, receiving hundreds of stories in return.

Taylor Raymond, 21, of Germantown, Wis.

Readers’ stories range from heartwarming to hilarious and everything in between. Some wrote of their fandom beginning before birth, while others converted later in life.

Taylor Raymond, 21, of Germantown shared her story of being born just before kickoff of Super Bowl XXXI, which the Packers won 35-21 over the New England Patriots.

“I was literally born to be a Packers fan and always will be,” Raymond wrote.

Fans checked in across the country from more than 40 states, including Hawaii. International fans also added their marks to the “Packer Nation” map, popping up throughout Canada, Europe, Australia, Russia and even Iran.

The Journal Sentinel project coincides with the Packers’ 100th season of football, which the team is celebrating over 16 months through its 100th birthday on Aug. 11, 2019.

Fans love their Packers, and if this project is any indication, they love sharing their love of the Packers, too.

» Read other fans’ stories and share yours here


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