MILWAUKEE – As part of their effort to encourage in-depth analysis of important issues, the Milwaukee Press Club is bringing together experts on Sept. 12 at UW-Milwaukee to discuss the #MeToo movement and sexual harassment.
The session will discuss how recent revelations of sexual harassment and abuse have impacted businesses and the workplace. Attendees will learn how to identify harassment and what to do about it, and will hear from someone who was targeted during a job interview, an attorney who handles sexual harassment cases and a human resources expert who leads corporate training sessions.
The panel of experts includes Jennifer Dirks, CEO and president, TEMPO Milwaukee; Michael Hyatt, HR government affairs director, MRA; Katie Mullen, partner and creative director, Black Paint; and Madison-based attorney Amy F. Scarr.
The experts will answer questions from the media panel, which includes UWM student reporter Talis Shelbourne, Joanne Williams, host of Black Nouveau on Milwaukee Public Television, and Terry Sater, a reporter and anchor for WISN-TV in Milwaukee.
Cost is $20 to attend for MPC members, $25 for non-members and $15 for students.
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