Shorewood Historical Society raising funds to digitize newspaper archive

SHOREWOOD – The Shorewood Historical Society is selling sidewalk plaques to area homeowners to fund the digitization of its newspaper archive, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported.

Since 1923, the historical society has kept an archive of every edition of the village’s newspaper, known then as the Shorewood Radio. The name of the paper was changed to The Shorewood Herald in 1930, and it is now known as North Shore Now.

Although the historical society has done its best to preserve the aging newspapers through bound volumes, the older newspapers are starting to deteriorate, Journal Sentinel reporter Jeff Rumage wrote. The organization plans to digitize the old issues — from 1923 to 2004 — and host them on their website.

During the first phase of the program last year, the historical society sold 203 of the $99 granite plaques, billed as “birthday markers,” that bring attention to the diverse architectural offerings in the village.

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Wisconsin Newspaper Association