New assistant editor starts work at Ladysmith News

Jerilea Hendrick

The Ladysmith News welcomes a new assistant editor, Jerilea Hendrick, to the newspaper.

Hendrick is originally from Bloomington, Minn. and holds a bachelor’s degree in political science and sociology and a master’s degree in business administration.

After graduating from college, Hendrick worked as an auditor for a large car manufacturer. She spent the next 12 years working in higher education for various universities in different support roles including enrollment, a finance counselor, and student services.

Hendrick also worked at Minnesota Elevator as a credit analyst in St. Peter, Minn.

As part of Hendrick’s duties, she will be covering Rusk County Board meetings, law enforcement and courts, Bruce and Flambeau school news and local festivals and celebrations.

Hendrick recently moved to Ladysmith with her husband, Leo, and sons, Elijah, Gabriel and Noah, from St. Peter, Minn. Her hobbies include spending time with her family, reading, quilting, gardening, running and biking. This summer she completed her first half marathon and sprint triathlon.

Wisconsin Newspaper Association