Wisconsin Newspaper Association participating in shopping survey

The WNA has partnered with Pulse Research to conduct a comprehensive shopping statewide survey of WNA-member audiences with the goal of helping you generate more revenue in 2018.

There is no cost to the association or you.


  • Survey promotion will start Oct. 4 and run until we reach a statewide sample of 400.
  • A survey promotion ad will be automatically placed through the WNA’s ad network, but we also ask you to regularly promote the survey in your paper and on your website. Click here to download the ads.
  • Each week we will get an update from Pulse on the survey sample.
  • Pulse will deliver the survey results in Mid-January 2018

In early 2018, your revenue teams will have current shopping information of your audience that they can use in very effective presentations to help your local businesses.

If you have any questions, please contact Taylor Waind at Pulse Research.

Wisconsin Newspaper Association