Registration is open for the 2017 Trees Retreat

The schedule has been announced for the 70th Annual WNA Trees Retreat, and registration is now open.

Al Cross
Al Cross

Al Cross, director of the Institute for Rural Journalism, will present Friday’s workshop, during which he’ll discuss the rural-urban divide & the role of newspapers, reporting beyond the county line and new challenges in community journalism.

The Trees Retreat will kick off Thursday, Aug. 24, with a golf outing fundraiser at Eagle River Golf Course, with proceeds benefiting the WNA Foundation. This year will mark the return to the tradition of gathering at Eddie B’s White Spruce Inn for dinner Thursday night, before returning to campus for socializing around the fire. Cross’ workshop and the Memorial Pylon Ceremony will fill the day Friday, Aug. 25, before attendees head the WNA-owned Press Forest for a steak fry under the pines.

The WNA has a block of rooms at the Best Western Derby Inn. Rates are $80 on Thursday, Aug. 24, and $99 on Friday, Aug. 25. Call 715-479-1600 and ask for the Wisconsin Newspaper Association block by July 24. Dormitory-style lodging is also available on the Trees For Tomorrow campus for $50/night.



Wisconsin Newspaper Association