2023 WNA Foundation Better Newspaper Contest

Investigative Reporting ( Division E,Division D) Back

  • Place Name: First Place
    Contestant Name: The Record-Review
    Entry Title: Is this the face of justice?
    Entry Credit: Peter Weinschenk
    Judge Comment: Excellent reporting of an important problem. Absolutely perfect and I hope the powers that be saw this and took it to heart. Something needs to be done at many levels.
  • Place Name: Second Place
    Contestant Name: Grant County Herald Independent
    Entry Title: Getting into childcare issue
    Entry Credit: David Timmerman
    Judge Comment: Top notch ongoing coverage, not only starting the conversation, but also making sure it kept going until something could be done.
  • Place Name: Third Place
    Contestant Name: Amery Free Press
    Entry Title: Six months of reporter pressure leads to resignations
    Entry Credit: April Ziemer
    Judge Comment: This is why we do what we do! What would this community be without this newspaper staff keeping an eye out for them? Great ongoing coverage, opinions pieces and investigative features, to highlight not only why the readers should care, but also all sides of the story.
  • Place Name: Honorable Mention
    Contestant Name: Trempealeau County Times
    Entry Title: Local Senate Candidate Accused Of Misconduct While Working As Police Officer
    Entry Credit: Andrew Dannehy
    Judge Comment: I know this wasn't easy and any information wasn't given up without a fight, but you stood your ground and made a difference in that race. These reports are too often brushed under the rug, but the voters had a right to know that a pattern had followed this candidate.
  • Competition Comment: There were so many excellent entries in this category showing why we all work in this field! What really stood out to me were the topic choices for these deep dives. These reporters took their time and got every side of the story possible before reporting and no doubt made a difference in their communities. Narrowing these entries down to first, second, third and honorable mention was very tough since easily three more deserved a top spot, too, but these had more relatability to their readers and the community, hitting a larger target audience. Very impressed by many of these writers, not just the winners.