Place Name: First Place Contestant Name: Washington Island Observer Entry Title: Islander brings camaraderie and connection with Heroes' Hunt Entry Credit: Emily Small Judge Comment: Great use of observation and description. Good use of individuals to profile an organization.
Place Name: Second Place Contestant Name: New London Press Star Entry Title: Student profile transcends generations Entry Credit: John Faucher Judge Comment: Nice solid piece. Wanted to know even more about Phyllis. Why is she retiring?
Place Name: Third Place Contestant Name: Sun Prairie Star Entry Title: Murphy honored with Lifetime Excellence Award after thriving through adversity Entry Credit: Jeromey Hodsdon Judge Comment: Solid piece about a graduate who had to change his lifestyle to cope with a medical condition.
Place Name: Honorable Mention Contestant Name: Courier Sentinel Entry Title: Young claims the world deadlift record Entry Credit: Ginna Young Judge Comment: Good quotes, nicely focused piece about the woman's accomplishments and how they came about.
Competition Comment: In all the winning entries, I wanted to keep reading - especially when they quoted people....people are usually the key to any profile.
Some entries provided lots of history, but with seldom any attributions and NO quotes. I want to hear what real people have to say.