2024 WNA Foundation Better Newspaper Contest

Photo Essay ( Division C) Back

  • Place Name: First Place
    Contestant Name: The Lakeland Times
    Entry Title: eyes for Tomorrow walleye wagon kicks off...
    Entry Credit: Trevor Greene
    Judge Comment: I felt this piece best represents the category. The photos are eye-catching, diverse, and attractive, and the design complements the photos and story. It certainly talks about topics near and dear to the readers. The writing and the cutlines and the photos work as a complete story-telling package. As a reader, I would be satisfied and enriched by this piece.
  • Place Name: Second Place
    Contestant Name: Vilas County News-Review
    Entry Title: Faces Of The Derby
    Entry Credit: Kurt Krueger, Gary Ridderbusch, Doug Etten, Al West
    Judge Comment: I liked this entry because it delivers on what it promises - faces! The photos ARE up-close. Too many photographers shy away from close-ups but readers love them. Of course, there is a mix here, as well as some important information accompanying a storied event. The Cierra photo is wonderful - showing two views at once.
  • Place Name: Third Place
    Contestant Name: The Press Times
    Entry Title: Local show choirs show off at Destination De Pere
    Entry Credit: Janelle Fisher, Sue Schroeder
    Judge Comment: There is color, movement, and plenty of faces here, as well as solid, story-telling information in the cutlines. A lot of families were happy with this edition, and these local students, I am sure, appreciated the coverage. Two suggestions: Get at least one close-up. Give photographer Janelle a bigger credit line!
  • Place Name: Honorable Mention
    Contestant Name: Vilas County News-Review
    Entry Title: Spring Show
    Entry Credit: Kurt Krueger
    Judge Comment: There are amazing, up-close, vibrant photos. But there were elements missing - the WWWWWH and the impact the spaces and animals have in this coverage area and beyond. The essay needs to give information as well as visuals. What stream, forest, season, etc.? Tell us please.