Place Name: First Place Contestant Name: Green Bay Press-Gazette Entry Title: Care of our elderly Entry Credit: Benita Mathew Judge Comment: This was an extremely difficult category to judge and the entries were very strong. In "Care of our elders," on older adults and suicide,
it blends and weaves statistics, experts' insights and a focal point person who can speak to their experiences ad an older adult and their mental health journey/transformations and changes over time.
Far from blaming individual older adults for not seeking help or compounding their mental health with alcohol and life choices, readers learn how layered the issue is.
There is also a helpful section on vital mental health resources for residents.
In another piece of this news package, we have something news stories really, really need to be doing more often but too regularly fail at: talking to the marginalized individuals experiencing the topics we cover.
This piece interviews an older person with schizophrenia and an advocate who shares his experiences. Readers have a chance to hear about the intersectional parts of aging, mental health, health care, and changes to psychiatric standards.
Too often we talk to the experts about groups of people like our focal person here, but not as often do we talk to the people themselves. And for a number of reasons, people with mental illnesses are often a hard one to talk with people to get their firsthand stories. Great work!
Place Name: Second Place Contestant Name: The Cap Times Entry Title: Mental health coverage Entry Credit: Erin McGroarty Judge Comment: None
Place Name: Third Place Contestant Name: Green Bay Press-Gazette Entry Title: Antibiotic discovered in soil of Green Bay area park Entry Credit: Benita Mathew Judge Comment: None