2024 WNA Foundation Better Newspaper Contest

General Excellence ( Division D) Back

  • Place Name: First Place
    Contestant Name: Oconomowoc Enterprise
    Entry Title: Sept. 21, 2023; Nov. 22, 2023; Feb. 22, 2024
    Entry Credit: staff
    Judge Comment: I love the layout of the newspaper. The white space really lends itself to easy reading and I prefer serif to non-serif type--the headlines all look clean. Great use of photos, too, and your special sections are wonderful. The only thing I didn't like was the placement of the sports column on the front of the sports page. I think maybe it belongs on the top left of the second page. If the columnist is going to write a story, he should do that under a separate byline. Your sports pages do look really good, though. This is a really lovely publication. I thought the website looked good, too, but as a diehard veteran of newspapers for 40 years, I hate that we have to do a website!
  • Place Name: Second Place
    Contestant Name: Superior Telegram
    Entry Title: Superior Telegram
    Entry Credit: Staff
    Judge Comment: Love the layout and the use of white space. It looks clean and is easy to read. I love the use of a serif typeface, it just looks classy. The website looked good, too.
  • Place Name: Third Place
    Contestant Name: The Monroe Times
    Entry Title: 9-30-23; 2-14-23; 3-6-24
    Entry Credit: Adam Krebs
    Judge Comment: There is so much to love about this paper. The farm column was really good and there is a ton of local coverage inside. Clearly the staff loves their community.
  • Place Name: Honorable Mention
    Contestant Name: Tri-County News (Kiel)
    Entry Title: Tri-County News (Kiel)
    Entry Credit: Staff
    Judge Comment: A great deal of news and lots of color. Sports coverage was really good, too. Great work covering your community!