Place Name: First Place Contestant Name: Neenah News Entry Title: Elder keeps Menominee language, culture alive Entry Credit: Patti Lee Judge Comment: Beautifully written, good lead, the copy was clean and clear. The quotes and stories are evocative and well told, but what makes this the winner is that when I finished reading, I felt like I had really met this elder through the profile.
Place Name: Second Place Contestant Name: The Lakeland Times Entry Title: FROM THE MARINES TO THE NAVY RESERVE Entry Credit: Brian Jopek Judge Comment: This was a really interesting profile, what a character and what a story. I wanted to follow it through each jump, which is a sign of a good story. Well written and told, and the layout with the other veteran's profile was nice as well.
Place Name: Third Place Contestant Name: Wisconsin State Farmer Entry Title: Last Tractor Ride Entry Credit: Colleen Kottke Judge Comment: Really lovely memorial profile, an emotional story told sensitively. The photos and layout were well done also, easy to read and fit smoothly with the story.
Place Name: Honorable Mention Contestant Name: The Press Times Entry Title: Strong Unrelenting Spirits: Artist displays Ho-Chunk culture through portraits and beadwork Entry Credit: Josephine Hinderman Judge Comment: Nice overall layout and I immediately wanted to turn to the next page. The story lived up to its headline and showcased the artist's work well.