Place Name: First Place Contestant Name: The Record-Review Entry Title: A glimpse of the eclipse? Entry Credit: Casey Krautkramer Judge Comment: This is the winner because of the kid in the middle. While others viewed this heavenly event as a big deal, he didn't think so. The photographer told the story well with this photo.
Place Name: Second Place Contestant Name: The Monroe Times Entry Title: Frog Jumping Entry Credit: Natalie Dillon Judge Comment: Getting in the right spot for a photo is the first rule of newspaper photography. Hustling and effort led to this great image
Place Name: Third Place Contestant Name: The Globe Entry Title: Log Jamboree Entry Credit: P.J. Glisson Judge Comment: A crowded field of great photos means this one is relegated to third place, although any of the top three could have been number one. Great work.
Place Name: Honorable Mention Contestant Name: The Monroe Times Entry Title: Bubbles Entry Credit: Natalie Dillon Judge Comment: Bubbles are always fun and the photographer did well to capture the emotion of happiness in this image. So many good entries that this one could also have been the winner in this category.